Thursday, March 9, 2017


Welcome to my blog! For the next month, I will be documenting my process on creating my Magazine to submit for half of my entire grade! :)) No pressure! As of now, I have no clue where to start. There are endless possibilities to choose from, and because I'm so indecisive, this may be a challenge! I will be working on the magazine with two of my classmates, Olivia Landsman and Hayley Princz. We have worked extremely well together in the past, and we bounce ideas off of each other very nicely. To start off, my name is Madison Jakob, an 11th grade student at Cypress Bay High School. I have been living in South Florida all 16 years of my existence, and I love it! I have a balanced schedule at school which gives me plenty of time to work on my blog! For next weeks, this blog will give a detailed outline of my everyday life, well my Media Studies life! This will follow my bumpy rollercoaster of creating the best magazine possible.

Personally, creating an outline for projects is a necessity if I want to get on the right track. Creating my magazine should bounce off the following steps:

1. Choose a Genre: Without a genre in mind for the magazine, it is almost impossible to takeoff with this project. This is why my first step will be to research multiple magazine genres and select the one that sparks my interest the most.    
2. Extensive Research on Genre: Next, it is necessary to highly research the genre to get a prefect sense on what to include. This research will also help decide on the magazine’s target audience.
3. Split Up the Magazine: Decide how the group will divide the Magazine into different issues. This will give more of a focused area to research.
4.Brainstorm: After being assigned an issue, I will start coming up with ideas to incorporate in my magazine. This will be the most fun, yet overwhelming step.
5. Layout: Before coming up with the final ideas to incorporate in the magazine, the layout should be confirmed so we know how to organize the concepts.
6. Finalize: This is where the details meet the layout. This step should include proofreading and spell check, along with peer review.

I can’t wait to start the steps towards creating my perfect magazine!

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